Vivienne Skinner's Achievements
Sign Up Pledge
Sign Up Pledge
Together again
Take part in this campaign more than once
Ready or not
Complete your profile with a profile picture, profile banner, bio and fundraising target then make an initial donation!
With a little help from my friends
Get 5 friends to donate to you.
Donated to Self
Donated to Self
Stand by me
Reply to a donation with a thank you message
Target Reached 50%
50% to fundraising target
Target Reached 75%
75% to fundraising target
Don't stop me now
Reach your fundraising target
Let's get it started
Raise $50
What a feeling
Raise $100
I believe I can fly
Raise $250
Simply the best
Raise $500
Top of the World
Raise $1000
Fly me to the moon
Raise $2000
First Activity Recorded
Post your first reading to your profile
Halfway There
Complete half of your reading target
Activity Target Complete
Complete your full reading target
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